Career success is an achievable goal. What are you waiting for? While the Oxford dictionary defines a career as “an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life and with opportunities for progress” we all know that things aren’t that straightforward and simple! Rather than an effortless task, effective career planning and […]
Tag Archives: career
7 Ways To Give Yourself An Annual Career Checkup
There are, of course, numerous ways that you can do such an annual evaluation of your career, and you should make sure you do it in a way that best suits your needs and circumstances.
Ten Tips for Networking For Career Success
Effective networking takes more than juggling a plate and a drink in one hand and making awkward small talk. To gain the most from our networking efforts, we need to ensure we gain what we need to from each interaction, whether it is a one-on-one meeting or group event. The key is to have a […]
Getting in on the gig economy
Working in the gig economy – the freelance labour market defined by short term or contract employment – is no longer just the realm of those wearing jeans and t-shirts to work. In 2014, it was estimated that 3.7 million Australians (approximately 30 percent of our workforce) contribute $51 billion to the economy annually, making it more than an alternative avenue for one’s career, but an integral arm of Australian productivity.
Welcome to the new PeopleEdge Coaching & Consulting Website!
Hi, I’m Jo Attard, Founder and Principal Consultant of PeopleEdge Coaching & Consulting. I thought I’d take this opportunity to tell you a little about PeopleEdge Coaching & Consulting and why what we do is so important …. Having always worked in HR, I frequently had colleagues, staff – and others – pop into my office […]