Leadership Tips- 12 Daily Habits for Productivity (Part 2)

Learning how to maximise productivity throughout your day is essential.

However, this can seem overwhelming in today’s chaotic world of distractions and endless tasks. Last week, I shared the first part of this list of daily habits that can help you stay organised and more efficient.

Today, I will continue to share six powerful habits you can adopt into your daily routine to become more productive with your time – no matter the hectic circumstances.

Let’s get started!

Tip 6: Schedule blocks of time doing “like activities” together.  

This habit allows you to streamline your focus on specific tasks, minimising distractions and reducing the time needed to switch between different activities.

For instance, grouping tasks that require similar skills, such as writing or research, can help you get into a productive flow and accomplish more in a shorter amount of time.

Tip 7: Schedule your time with flexibility built in.  

Scheduling your time with flexibility can help increase productivity by allowing for unexpected events or changes in priorities.

Building buffer time between tasks or scheduling blocks of time for specific tasks rather than rigidly sticking to a strict schedule can help reduce stress and increase the likelihood of completing tasks efficiently. It also allows you to move around between tasks – you’ll be even more productive!

Tip 8: Plan on spending time on something you have been procrastinating over.  

To plan on something you’ve been procrastinating over, start by breaking the task down into smaller, more manageable steps. Set achievable goals and establish deadlines for each step and hold yourself accountable by sharing your progress with an accountability partner.

Additionally, try to identify the root cause of your procrastination and address it, such as removing distractions or seeking support from a coach or a mentor.

Tip 9: Schedule yourself “out” for the first 90 minutes of your workday.  

This allows you to attend to “hang-over” tasks from the day before, catch up on some reading, or schedule appointments ahead. Starting your day with a clear plan and dedicating time to tasks that require deep concentration, you can set a productive tone for the rest of your day and feel a sense of accomplishment early on.

This habit can also help reduce stress and improve time management skills.

Tip 10: Organise your Workspace.  

Organising your workspace can significantly impact productivity by reducing visual and mental clutter, allowing you to focus on the task at hand.

It can also help you find what you need quickly and easily, saving time and increasing efficiency.

Tip 11: Make Commitments to Yourself.  

Making commitments to yourself provides a sense of accountability and motivation to follow through with your goals.

When you set specific, measurable targets for yourself and hold yourself accountable, you are more likely to stay focused, overcome obstacles, and achieve your desired outcomes.

Tip 12: Recognise what you’ve achieved and Reward yourself!  

Recognising your achievements and rewarding yourself is a good way of becoming more productive because it helps maintain motivation and positive momentum.

Celebrating milestones, no matter how small, can create a sense of accomplishment and confidence, leading to improved productivity and success.

Take action steps to build up your daily habits and watch as your productivity skyrockets – you won’t regret it.

What new habit are you going to develop first? Let me know how it goes!