Lisa Neal


"PeopleEdge Career Transition Program is an absolute must for anyone making or thinking of making a career transition particularly if you have been in the same role or industry for quite some time, or are facing forced unemployment.

Put simply the program helped to develop me into a smart, successful job-seeker. The exercises were surprisingly helpful in identifying who I ‘really’ am, what my strengths are and how to make these work professionally work for me.  It also gave me the tools and knowledge of how to network and make the best use of social media, an integral part of job-seeking these days.

The program, particularly Jo Attard, gave me a renewed sense of confidence, clarity and belief in my skills and abilities that can often get lost along the way. I found support and solace in gentle Jo and will miss our weekly sessions.

PeopleEdge Consulting is so much more than career consultancy, it is the perfect balance between professional and personal coaching.  You will grow with Jo."